Thursday, May 28, 2009

Zoho -ho - ho

Zoho. Word processing as done by Santa Claus, right? It looks like Word, feels like Word, so the question appears to be why hasn't Microsoft made Word available via the internet for collaborative writing?

As written about in a recent posting, on more than one blog, my son is experiencing real world difficulties with his first landlord. As he resides at some distance from me, assisting him in preparing written communication has been via e-mail with Word document attachments. This works but in order to review or edit, there's a time lag made necessary by the need to re-send the document . Zoho appears to make that disappear, allowing near simultaneous editing or revising. What Zoho does make necessary is for all parties concerned to have a Zoho account. Wonder if that's a marketing ploy?

From initial experience and usage, it seems to be a productive tool, allowing publication directly to a blog, such as this, without the need to cut and paste. It appears to be the equal of Word, if not gooder.

Ah, you say, "gooder" is not a word. Nor is it a version of Word. Nor is it a synonym for "better". What it is is a funner word to use. Ah, you say, "funner" .....

No, they're not proper words but as expressed succinctly in Through the Looking Glass, "`The question is,' said Alice, `whether you can make words mean so many different things.' `The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master - - that's all."

Today, I choose to be a benevolent and funner master.


  1. You hit the nail - in order to be effective, all collaborators need to be using the same platform. We need a consumer reports chart to help us evaluate ... tho like other products they rate, the version will be different by press time.
