Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's A Convoy ...

Perhaps the new phrase, replacing "put the pedal to the
metal", should be "use a flashdrive, not a hard drive".
The Sacramento Public Library rolled out, literally, its Overdrive offerings of books, music and video via the travelling Overdrive semi at Franklin Library.

The Overdrive system allows users to download books, audio books, music and videos (to include popular television programs) onto their home computers and then onto MP3 devices, to include iPods. It's free, relatively simple and users do not have to worry about returning items as the files self delete after the set borrowing time. As a bonus, many of the items are no longer copyrighted, allowing borrowers to burn them onto CDs for their permanent collections.

Just another service of your 21st Century library.

But you still have to be quiet!


  1. I wish I could have visited one of the trailers - looks exciting!

  2. Use a flash drive, not a hard drive. I like it.
